Free Central Heating Filter with Heating Installations

The implementation of heating filters in your heating system has various advantages, and when you choose KP Evans & Co Ltd for your central heating installations Colchester, we will include your filter absolutely free! Given the continuing soaring costs of energy, as well as the general squeeze on household incomes, any opportunity to save money should be embraced, and heating filters are cost effective in more ways than one.

Reduce Your Energy Bills and Maintenance Costs

The function of a heating filter is to keep the air you breathe and the heating system components clean. When these components are dirty they do not work as efficiently, and therefore more energy is used in trying to generate the same level of heat. Moreover, a good heating filter can extend the life of your heating system by keeping the parts in a good, clean condition.

Prevent Negative Effects on Your Health

Probably the most important job of a good quality heating filter is to ensure that the air you breathe is healthy and safe. The filter will reduce the levels of dust, pollen, mould and other air borne contaminates which can seriously affect people who suffer from allergies, as well as cause a variety of respiratory conditions.

At KP Evans & Co Ltd, we specialise in both commercial and domestic heating installations, as well as boiler repairs. We have over thirty years in the plumbing industry so whether you’re looking to warm your home or commercial office space, we can help with our customer-focused service.

So if you’re looking to update your heating system, make sure you employ the services of a company that puts your needs first. To find out more about our central heating installations Colchester as well as what else we can offer here at KP Evans & Co Ltd, call us on 01206 844 334 and speak to one of our friendly team.

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